The CIPMInfo component retrieves information about the installed version of PageMaker. This information is entered by the user when she installs PageMaker.

You can use this information to verify ownership of your plug-in or to check the PageMaker version.


char *GetRegisterUserName();

Returns the registered user name as a null-terminated string.

char *GetRegisterCompanyName();

Returns the registered company name as a null-terminated string.

char *GetRegisterSerialNumber();

Returns the registered serial number as a null-terminated string.

void GetVersionNumber(unsigned short *pMajorVerionNumber, unsigned short *pMinorVerionNumber);

Returns the applications major and minor version numbers.

pMajorVersion number is the number before the decimal place. For PageMaker 6.5 the major version number is 6.

pMinorVersionNumber is the number after the decimal place (assuming 2 decimal places). For PageMaker 6.5 the minor version number is 50.

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